Who is this chick walkin around with Chris Breezy to Tattoo parlors and ish??
Now I ain’t jumpin to conclusions like other websites and claiming that she is Chris’s new girlfriend…..maybe play thang but I’m not saying girlfriend just yet. Who is she you ask? Her name is Natalie Mejia and she is a member of the group Girlicious.

I won’t bother re-inventing the wheel and going through the details. Here they are courtesy of Bossip.com:”Chris Brown has a new piece! The two were seen exiting a Tattoo Parlor in Hollyweird yesterday. The new victim is Natalie Mejia from the Pussyrat Dolls girl group, Girlicious. Looks like Breezy is going out for some Mexican eating.”I’m not sure who I care about less, Chris Brown or this Pussycat Person. We should change the name of the group to Pointless. I didn’t even know they existed and I’m pretty in the know, ya know. Anyhoo, I found you deserving of me doing some extra digging around for some pics of the Gruelicious Natalie Mejia.She’s aight and for once I have nothing more to say about the hair than “Job Well Done.” You might wanna store these pictures for later, so we can savor this look on her, because who knows what she might look like after she gets Chris Browned.

I'm sure they're just friends though, right :)
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